This review is going to be my personal feedback on what I think of the ASA 101 vs NauticEd Keelboat Skipper Certification.
Comparison Review
ASA 101
NauticEd Small KeelBoat Skipper
Class Duration
Total Cost
Cost Per Day
On the Water Training
2 days
USD $645
USD $322.50
I felt like 2 days of class was not adequate.
4 Days
USD $966.60
USD $241.65
Having the 2 extra days of the class really helped with improving my confidence.
The Book
The book covered a lot of basic information on sailing.
NauticEd’s online interactive training makes learning a lot more clearer.
The Class
Felt like the class tried to cover a lot of topics and felt a little rush.
The class was over 4 days and the instructor was able to spend more time on the water.
The Course
I was told that you need to take ASA 103 to get the full training experience.
On the NauticEd, that’s another 4-day course with KeelBoat Skipper on a larger boat.
The Instructor
The instructor focused a lot more of the technical aspect of the sailing.
The instructor focused more on understanding the sailboat and how to sail it.
In conclusion, if I were to do this again, I would take ASA 101 first and then NauticEd Small Keelboat Skipper again with no hesitation.